Jejunal Varix Bleeding after Pancreaticoduodenectomy Successfully Treated with Portal Vein Stent Placement and Endoscopic Sclerotherapy
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Hyun Jin Na, Won Sik Kang, Ja Sung Choi, Beo Deul Kang, Jae Hee Cho, Kyung Won Park, Hyun Boem Kim, Hee Man Kim
Korean J Pancreas Biliary Tract. 2013;18(3):37-40. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15279/kpba.2013.18.3.37
A Case of Multifocal Cyst Forming Anaplastic Carcinoma of the Pancreas
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Jung Hun Baek, Ja Sung Choi, Song Wook Chun, Beo Deul Kang, Ki Jun Han, Jin ho Jeong, Ji Sun Song, Jae Hee Cho
Korean J Pancreas Biliary Tract. 2013;18(1):41-45. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15279/kpba.2013.18.1.41