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Korean J Pancreas Biliary Tract > Volume 16(1):2011 > Article
The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract 2011;16(1):29-31.
스테로이드 치료에 반응이 없는 IgG4 연관 담관염 1예
안지호, 천영국, 조영덕
순천향대학교 내과학교실 소화기연구소, 소화기병센터"
A Case of Steroid-resistant Immunoglobulin G4 Associated Cholangitis
Ji Ho Ahn, Young Koog Cheon, Young Deok Cho
Institute for Digestive Research, Department of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Immunoglobulin G4-associated sclerosing cholangitis (IAC) is a recently defined disease. IAC is a rare type of autoimmune pancreatitis associated with bile duct involvement, which can present with or without pancreatic involvement. Usually, multiple intra and extrahepatic manifestations is similar to that of primary sclerosing cholangitis. Rarely, there can be an isolated stricture which mimics cholangiocarcinoma. Though extremely difficult, differentiating these from cholangiocarcinoma is of critical importance because it can be treated without surgical intervention. We reported one such rare presentation of autoimmune pancreatitis in a 36 years old patient in whom photodynamic therapy (PDT) was done for a hilar stricture, which later turned out to be related to IAC.
Keywords: Klatskin tumor, Immunoglobulin G4 associated cholangitis, Steroid
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Overview of the Immunoglobulin G4-related Disease Spectrum  2015 July;20(3)
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