바터팽대부에 발생한 유암종 1예 |
배명남, 배상묵, 김은영, 주연호, 김명환1 |
창원파티마병원 내과, 1서울아산병원 내과" |
A Case of Carcinoid Tumor of Ampulla of Vater |
Myung-Nam Bae, Sang-Mook Bae, Eun-Young Kim, Yeon-Ho Joo, Myung-Hwan Kim1 |
Department of Internal Medicine, Changwon Fatima Hospital, Changwon, 1Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea |
Carcinoid tumors of the ampulla of Vater is very rare. Only 109 cases have been reported in the international literatures and 17 in Korea. Unlike duodenal carcinoids, their metastasis is not related with tumor size in foreign reports. Thus, treatment is surgical resection even in small tumors. We experienced a rare case of carcinoid tumor of ampulla of Vater and report here with reviews of all domestic cases. |
Carcinoid tumor, Ampulla of vater |