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Korean J Pancreas Biliary Tract > Volume 16(2):2011 > Article
The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract 2011;16(2):131-134.
다낭종신과 동반된 I형 담관낭종 1예
김영진, 김재현, 박선만, 구자경, 고동희, 장현주, 계세협, 이진
한림대학교 의과대학 내과학교실
Type I Choledochal Cyst Combined with Polycystic Kidney Disease
Young Jin Kim, Jae Hyun Kim, Sun Man Park, Ja Kyung Koo, Dong Hee Koh, Hyun Joo Jang, Sea Hyup Kae, Jin Lee
Department of Internal Medicine, Hallym University Collage of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Choledochal cysts are cystic dilations that may occur throughout the biliary tree. Choledochal cysts are associated with significant complications, such as ductal strictures, stone formation, cholangitis, rupture, and malignancy. Polycystic kidney disease is often associated with polycystic liver disease, but it has been rarely reported to be associated with choledochal cyst. A 32-year-old male entered hospital because of abdominal discomfort and epigastric pain. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography showed multiple low density cystic lesions in entire liver and in both kidneys, and fusiform dilatation of common bile duct. We diagnosed this patient as autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and type I choledochal cyst. Our patient underwent a surgical operation. It was diagnosed as cholangiocarcinoma on tissue biopsy.
Keywords: Choledochal cyst, Polycystic kidney disease, Polycystic liver disease, Cholangiocarcinoma
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