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Korean J Pancreas Biliary Tract > Volume 3(1):1998 > Article
The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract 1998;3(1):1-6.
백서의 부종성 췌장염에서 Total Antioxidant Status의 변화
김광희1, 김창덕1, 이홍식1, 이성준1, 진윤태1, 김영식2, 전훈재1, 송치욱1, 이상우1, 엄순호1, 최재현1, 류호상1, 현진해1
1고려대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 소화기연구소
2고려대학교 의과대학 해부병리학교실
Total Antioxidant Status in Experimental Acute Pancreatitis
Kwang Hee Kim1, Chang Duck Kim1, Hong Sik Lee1, Sung Joon Lee1, Yoon Tae Jeen1, Young Sik Kim2, Hoon Jai Chun1, Chi Wook Song1, Sang Woo Lee1, Soon Ho Um1, Jai Hyun Choi1, Ho Sang Ryu1, Jin Hai Hyun1
1Department of Internal Medicine, Institute of Digestive Disease and Nutrition, Korea University College of Medicine Seoul, Korea
2Department of Anatomic Pathology, Korea University College of Medicine Seoul, Korea
Corresponding author:  Chang Duck Kim,
For identify the tissue injury by oxygen free radical (OFR) in experimental pancreatitis, measurement of lipid peroxidation products has been used. However, the antioxidant defense interact to form as integrated system, therfore, it may be inappropriate to rely on measurement of a single component as an indicator of the functioning of the entire system. Recently, Total Antioxidant Status (TAS) is developed for evaluating the overall performance of the antioxidant system. This study was to assess whether TAS is a useful indicator for evaluating the role of OFR as pathogenesis of experimental pancreatitis.
Fourteen male Sprague-Dawley rat (200-250 g) were used. There were two groups : Control (n=7) and cerulein (n=7) group. Each rat received an iv infusion of cerulein (5 μg/kg/hr) or physiologic saline for 4 hours. After pancreatitis was induced, blood samples for biochemical changes inciuding TAS and glutathion peroxidase (GPx) were taken. Pancreas was prepared for histology.
Edematous pancreatitis were induced by cerulein in rat. Serum amylase was significantly elevated in the rats receiving cerulein as compared with controls. Serum TAS and GPx were also significantly decreased in acute edematous pancreatitis. Conclusion: These results suggest that TAS may be a useful indicator as evidence of OFR reaction in the pathogenesis of experimental pancreatitis. Further evaluations are needed to establish the usefulness of TAS.
Keywords: Total Antioxidant Status, Glutathion peroxidase, Pancreatitis
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