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Korean J Pancreas Biliary Tract > Volume 2(1): > Article
협착 혹은 심하게 굽은 간내담관의 배액술을 위한 Tannenbaum 간내 담관 스텐트의 삽입술의 효과
노임환1, 임창영1, 송일한1, 김정원1, 김정택2
1단국대학교 의과대학 내과학교실
2단국대학교 의과대학 외과학교실
Easy Stenting for the Angulated, Strictured Intrahepatic Duct Using Modified Tannenbaum Stent(Tannenbaum IHD Stent)
In Hwan Roe1, Chang Young Lim1, Il Han Song1, Jung Won Kim1, Jung Taik Kim2
1Department of Medicine, Med College of Dankuk University, Chunan, South Korea
2Department of Surgery, Med College of Dankuk University, Chunan, South Korea
Corresponding author:  In Hwan Roe,
Hepatolithiasis is commonly associated with bile duct strictures that may cause cholangitis with a significant risk of sepsis, and they could also be a cause for development of stones. Endoscopic intrahepatic duct stenting, as well as percutaneous transhepatic drainage, into the strictured intrahepatic duct segment with stones might be a primary therapy to relieve the septic cholangitis in patients who had high surgical risks, had previous biliary surgery, or had refused surgery. However, preexisting non-metal biliary stents, such as teflon or polyethylene, were very difficult to insert into the intrahepatic duct with tight angulated stricture due to their straight contour. Method: We modified the Tannenbaum stent to pass the angulated strictured intrahepatic duct more easily. The modified stent was 10 French in size, and had curved structure with 120º at the point of 12 to 14 cm from the distal end and 3 cm proximally from the curve point.
We performed intrahepatic duct stenting using the modified stent in the 17 cases of intrahepatic duct stones with strictured angulation or hilar cancer with severe angulated intrahepatic duct. The success rate of intrahepatic duct stenting using the modified Tannenbaum stent in cases of hepatolithiasis with tight angulated stricture was 100%(17/17 cases) and the procedure to insert was easy and smooth. It was very good results compared to those using the straight formed preexisting conventional biliary stent, which was 68.0%(8/25 cases). Conclusion: The modified Tannenbaum stent(Tannenbaum IHD stent) is recommended for the stenting of intrahepatic duct with severe angulation or stricture.
Keywords: Endoscopic intrahepatic duct stenting, Intrahepatic duct stricture, Tannenbaum IHD stent, Angulated intrahepatic duct.
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