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Korean J Pancreas Biliary Tract > Volume 2(1): > Article
초음파 검사상 담낭벽의 부분적 비후 및 폴립양 병변의 임상 및 조직학적 관찰
김형준, 박중원, 유병철, 박실무
중앙대학교 의과대학 내과학교실
Clinical and Histological Evaluation of Polypoid Lesions and Partial Wall Thickening of the Gallbladder Diagnosed by Ultrasonography
Hyung Joon Kim, Joong Won Park, Byung Chul Yoo, SiII Moo Park
Department of Internal Medicine, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Corresponding author:  Hyung Joon Kim,
The polypoid lesions of the gallbladder including the partial wall thickening are frequently detected with abdominal ultrasonography. But in many cases the nature of those lesions are obscure and so histologic examination is usually necessary to differentiate benign polyp from malignant lesion. This study is conducted to evaluate the clinical and histological characteristics of the polypoid lesion of the gallbladder detected incidentally with ultrasonographic examination.
All the patients included in this study had been showed as plypoid or partial wall thickening lesion with ultarasonography preoperatively. And then they were examined histologically by operation.
34 cases were available. of these, polypoid lesions were 21cases. The polyps smaller than 10 mm were all benign.
Polypoid lesions were 21 cases. All the polypoid lesions smaller than 10 mm were benign. Of the lesions larger than 10 mm, 43% were malignant. The partial wall thickening lesion were 13 cases. Of these, 12 cases were malignant and 1 case was adenomyomatosis. Conclusion: Partial wall thickening lesion of gallbladder suggest malignancy and polypoid lesion exceeding 1 cm in diameter suggest malignant and benign lesion, both.
Keywords: Gallbladder, Ultrasonography, Polyp
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Radiologic Evaluation and Differential Diagnosis of Gallbladder Cancer  2018 January;23(1)
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